Sunday Gatherings
Sunday Gatherings
Kindred Church is a low ego, no frills, authentic gathering of the saints reminiscent of the early church.
Join us Sundays for church service in Overland Park at 10:00am for worship followed by lunch.
8714 Antioch Road
Overland Park, KS 66212
Sunday Worship
The goal at Kindred Church is to return to an interactive, participatory version of corporate worship. The desire is for us to escape the concert style of worship commonly filled with a lot of screen time and passive engagement. We want to hear each other sing, and hear each other pray, confess, and testify. With this in mind, here are some key features one can expect at every Kindred Sunday Worship here in Kansas City:
A time for open-mic testimony, confession, and prayer requests. We want to know how God is moving amongst our congregation, and the best way to do that is by letting people tell us! Each week, we will give Kindred churchgoers the opportunity to briefly share a prayer request, share what is burdening them, or share how God has challenged them during the week. This will provide the church the opportunity to bear one another’s burdens and be inspired by each other more practically.
Directed prayer will be a part of each Kindred Sunday. Rather than listening to someone pray up on stage, the congregation will be prompted to pray for specific areas of our lives together. This will be an opportunity for families to pray together, for friends to pray together, and for all of us to become more bound to one another in Christ.
Spontaneous baptism will be a staple at Kindred. We will never host a baptism class, and every Sunday is baptism Sunday at Kindred. Whenever God prompts someone to get baptized at Kindred, we will stop whatever we are doing and celebrate this moment with them!
Communion will be taken together every Sunday at Kindred. We do not believe you can remember the work Christ accomplished on our behalf too often, so we will celebrate Christ’s sacrifice for us together each week.
We will not be afraid to talk about money or to highlight the passing of the offering plate. Generosity is a celebratory act here. We are doing big things for Christ and His Kingdom through our collective generosity, and we are not going to hide away from this activity.
Bible-centered preaching will be a trusted portion of each Kindred service. We will not preach based on headlines or trends. At Kindred, the timeless Word of God will be delivered clearly, passionately, and exuberantly every Sunday. There is no guide more fit to lead the heart and mind through this life than Scripture. Whoever receives the wonderful responsibility to deliver God’s Word to Kindred on Sunday will strive to reach this expectation.
Kindred Kids
The Barna Research Group has determined that most people have formed their worldview by the age of 13. According to a 2015 study conducted by the National Association of Evangelicals, 63% of Christians made the decision to follow Christ between the ages of 4 to 14. What has since been called the 4:14 window is something we take very seriously at Kindred.
Children are coming to terms with how they shape and interpret their environment from a young age. For this reason, Kindred Kids is designed to play a supportive role in helping parents shape Christ-like virtues and behavior from early on. When children go to Kindred Kids, they will have a LOT of fun, but more importantly they will receive kid-sized teaching on the same content as their parents each week. Kindred Kids content is designed to be developed further at home between parents and kids, so that the Christian life becomes a daily part of life rather than sequestered to Sunday only.
The fun is only beginning when service concludes at Kindred Church of Kansas City. We don’t have parking lot logistics teams at Kindred, because we aren’t in a hurry to leave!
Our time together following service begins at the table. At Kindred, we are bringing back the potluck! The table is a sacred place, and special things happen when people share meals together regularly. We want to get into the habit of doing this with each other every Sunday. Our primary reason for emphasizing lunch with one another is because we believe the table is as effective of a discipleship tool as virtually any other gift God has given us!
Through lunch and fellowship, we prioritize a shared experience that maximizes the few things most everyone does after church on Sunday anyway – we’ll just do them together instead. Whether this is watching the Chiefs, catching a movie, playing games, or something else, we will spend time together and enjoy each other’s company.
Business Meeting
On a monthly basis, Kindred will organize perhaps the most distinctive aspect of the church — the business meeting. This will be essential to Kindred’s identity, as a local Johnson County church, because at the business meeting is where we will decide as a congregation how to part with an overwhelming majority of our weekly tithe. The process will be as simple as possible, and then led by our Deacon of Generosity. The amount of money Kindred has to release will be shared, and then anyone who has given to the tithe can make an open-mic proposal for where a portion of the funds should go. As many proposals as are desired to be given will be heard, and a formal decision based off of these proposals will be voted upon at the next business meeting. The goal is for Kindred to make a significant material impact within the KC Metro, as well as the nation, and the world.
Monday & Beyond
What Kindred Church ultimately places under this section depends entirely upon what God moves you to do! As we serve here as a church in Kansas City, the goal is to see more and more people are shaped and discipled by the radical way we express generosity at Kindred Church, the more and more ministries - led by our congregants - will be highlighted!
Your ministry is next.
Come join us Sunday!
Service Time: 10:00am
Location: 8714 Antioch Road, Overland Park KS 66212